Saturday, December 18, 2010

The Gawker Password Fiasco

Last month I wrote about password security, just a little too soon. This month the popular blog site owner Gawker admitted to a huge security breach where hackers had broken into their web servers and stolen their entire database of user account names with email addresses and passwords. The attack has brought password security to every ones attention, with people reporting that their email and other accounts have been compromised. There are a lot of discussions of protocols for password security with good information, and unfortunately there is also a lot of misinformation. Here is my take.

The Forbes magazine web-site has a clear description of the attack on Gawker, (although their discussion of the password encryption is not correct). The short story is that the break-in was done by a hacker group called Gnosis who were annoyed by Gawker. Frankly, given Gawker's arrogant style, who has not been annoyed by them at some time? Gnosis first broke in to Gawker in July and got the passwords to accounts for Nick Denton and 16 other staffers there. In November, Denton noticed some possible tampering in a web account, and finally in December Gnosis announced their break in and released data they had gathered.

Although, Gawker had used encryption to hide the users passwords, they are susceptible to a brute force attack and many passwords have been broken. Gawker lost over 1 million accounts and more than 100,000 passwords have been cracked and published so far. The Wall Street Journal has a nice analysis of the most popular passwords including a frequency graph.

There is a lot of misunderstanding about how passwords are stored on a web site and how a brute force attack takes place. For example, the Forbes article I mentioned earlier obviously does not have a clue. I do not know for certain how Gawker protects their passwords, however the best practice is to use a salted hash. With this technique, the web-site chooses a salt, which is just a random string of characters. When a user sets a password, the salt is appended to the password and the whole string is hashed with a cryptographic hash function like SHA-1. The resulting hash value is a seemingly random string of bits, and this is stored as the encrypted users password. When the user wants to log in, the salt is added to the supplied password, the resulting string hashed, and the hash value compared to the saved hash. If they are the same, the user must have provided the correct password and is allowed to log in. By using a salted hash, the web-site does not save the users password, they just save a cryptographic hash that is used to confirm that the user knows their password. To make things more secure, the web-site can save a different salt for each user or just add the user name to a common salt so that even if two users have the same password, the salted hash of their passwords are not the same.

In a brute force attack the attacker knows the algorithm used to generate the salted hash and has the salted hash of the password. The attacker generates a list of potential passwords, applies the password checking algorithm to each password and if the results are the same, they have guessed the users password. If the attacker can try 20 passwords a second, they can test well over a million passwords a day on a single computer.

It is very easy to generate a list of potential passwords. One good starting point is a list of broken passwords, such as published by Gnosis from the attack on Gawker. The next step is a dictionary of common words and proper names. Many applications have a spelling dictionary that can be used as a starting point. Then try some simple variations like adding a number to the beginning or of words, capitalizing letters in the word and make common substitutions for letters such as 1 for the letter 'i' and 5 or $ for 's'.

So now that you now how it is done, think about your passwords and how easy they can be attacked by brute force, and excuse me while I go and change some of mine.

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